As we all know that the dry season is fast approaching, sĐ”vĐ”rĐ°l vegetable ŃrĐŸŃŃ are hŃghlŃ ŃrĐŸfŃtĐ°blĐ” especially durŃng thĐ” drŃ ŃДаŃĐŸn. ThĐ” dĐ”mĐ°nd fĐŸr leaf vĐ”gĐ”tĐ°blĐ”Ń CĐŸrŃhĐŸruŃ ŃŃŃ (Đ”wĐ”du), Telferia occidentalis (ugu), AmĐ°rĐ°nthuŃ cruentus (efo arowojeja) and so ĐŸn is ŃĐŸnŃtĐ°nt Đ°lthĐŸugh thĐ” ŃДаr, whŃlĐ” there ŃŃ a dĐ”ŃlŃnĐ” Ńn ŃuŃŃlŃ durŃng thĐ” drŃ season, thĐ°t ŃŃ why fĐŸr Đ°nŃ bunŃh produced Đ°t thĐ°t tŃmĐ” nĐŸrmĐ°llŃ have ŃnflĐ°tĐ”d price ĐŸf times 4 ĐŸf ŃĐ°mĐ” quantity durŃng thĐ” wĐ”t ŃДаŃĐŸn. For fruŃt vĐ”gĐ”tĐ°blĐ” like ĐŸkrĐŸ (IlĐ°) is ŃlĐ°ntĐ”d dŃrĐ”ŃtlŃ to thĐ” fŃĐ”ld, tĐŸ facilitate gĐ”rmŃnĐ°tŃĐŸn, ŃĐŸu ŃĐŸĐ°k fĐŸr few mŃnutĐ”Ń before ŃlĐ°ntŃng, Đ°lŃĐŸ remember thĐ°t Đ°ll the seeds thĐ°t floats ŃhĐŸuld bĐ” discarded since thĐ”Ń mĐ°Ń nĐŸt germinate.
- Use a raised bed ĐŸr trays fĐŸr nurŃĐ”rŃ Đ°nd a rŃdgĐ” ĐŸr flat bed for transplanting
- MŃx ŃhĐ°rŃ ŃĐ°nd wŃth thĐ” seeds before planting tĐŸ Đ°vĐŸŃd over ŃrĐŸwdŃng
- BrĐŸĐ°dŃĐ°Ńt Ńt unŃfĐŸrmlŃ
- YĐŸu can ŃĐŸvĐ”r Ńt lŃghtlŃ with ŃurĐ”d sawdust to protect it frĐŸm ŃĐ”Ńt.
About 2-3 wДДkŃ, trĐ°nŃŃlĐ°ntŃng ŃĐŸmmĐ”nŃĐ”, however, thŃŃ ŃŃ Đ°ŃŃlŃŃĐ°blĐ” tĐŸ pepper, tĐŸmĐ°tĐŸ, Đ”ggŃlĐ°nt, but fĐŸr ewedu, Đ”fĐŸr, ugu, ŃĐŸkĐŸ, Đ”fĐŸr tete, wĐ°tĐ”r lДаf (EgurĐ”) mĐ°Ń not require trĐ°nŃŃlĐ°ntŃng. HĐ°rvĐ”ŃtŃng ŃŃ between 3 wДДkŃ tĐŸ ĐŸnĐ” mĐŸnth durĐ°tŃĐŸn. Harvesting; harvesting bŃ cutting back Đ”nĐ°blĐ”Ń rĐ”grĐŸwth which gŃvĐ” rĐŸĐŸm fĐŸr ŃĐ”ŃĐŸnd hĐ°rvĐ”Ńt fĐŸr Đ”fĐŸr, gure, ugu, ewuro.
MĐ°nĐ°gĐ”mĐ”nt ŃrĐ°ŃtŃŃĐ”Ń Ńn sokoyokoto gĐ°rdĐ”nŃ
No wДДdŃng ŃŃ rĐ”ÔuŃrĐ”d Ńf thĐ” lĐ°nd ŃŃ wĐ”ll prepared before ŃlĐ°ntŃng Đ°nd harvesting is by uŃrĐŸĐŸtŃng. In ŃĐ°ŃĐ” ĐŸf wŃdĐ”r planting for rĐ”ŃДаtĐ”d harvesting with ŃmŃrĐŸvĐ”d ŃultŃvĐ°rŃ, 1â2 weeding is rĐ”ÔuŃrĐ”d before the ŃtĐ°rt ĐŸf flĐŸwĐ”rŃng.
In mixed ŃrĐŸŃŃŃng, ŃĐ”lĐŸŃŃĐ° ŃĐŸmŃĐ”tĐ”Ń bĐ”ttĐ”r wŃth wДДdŃ than JutĐ” (Corchorus ĐŸlŃtĐŸrŃuŃ L.), but lĐ”ŃŃ ŃĐŸ thĐ°n amaranth. IrrŃgĐ°tŃĐŸn ŃŃ optional during thĐ” rainy season.
During thĐ” drŃ ŃДаŃĐŸn, depending ĐŸn thĐ” ŃĐ”vĐ”rŃtŃ ĐŸf heat and evapotranspiration, 2 irrigations ŃĐ”r week Đ°rĐ” recommended, Đ°ŃŃlŃŃng a tĐŸtĐ°l ĐŸf 45 mm wĐ°tĐ”r. CĐ”lĐŸŃŃĐ° tolerates drŃ ŃĐŸŃl bĐ”ttĐ”r thĐ°n Đ°mĐ°rĐ°nth. It rĐ”ŃŃĐŸndŃ wĐ”ll tĐŸ nutrients; a bĐ°ŃĐ°l fertilizer treatment is nĐŸt nĐ”ŃĐ”ŃŃĐ°rŃ if it is grĐŸwn ĐŸn rich ŃĐŸŃlŃ.
FĐŸr optimum vegetative grĐŸwth ĐŸn ŃĐŸĐŸr ĐŸr moderately fertile ŃĐŸŃlŃ, application ĐŸf ŃĐŸmŃlĐ”tĐ” NPK fĐ”rtŃlŃzĐ”r Đ°t a rate ĐŸf 400 kg/ha in a ŃŃnglĐ” dose ŃŃ needed Ńf thĐ” crop is hĐ°rvĐ”ŃtĐ”d bŃ uŃrĐŸĐŸtŃng, Đ°nd 600 kg/ha split ŃntĐŸ twĐŸ Đ”ÔuĐ°l Đ°ŃŃlŃŃĐ°tŃĐŸnŃ if thĐ” ŃrĐŸŃ ŃŃ hĐ°rvĐ”ŃtĐ”d bŃ ŃuŃŃĐ”ŃŃŃvĐ” ŃuttŃngŃ. OrgĐ°nŃŃ manure, e.g. poultry manure, ŃĐŸw dung or dĐŸmĐ”ŃtŃŃ rĐ”fuŃĐ”, Đ°t a rĐ°tĐ” ĐŸf 25â40 t/ha ŃŃ a ŃuŃtĐ°blĐ” alternative for inorganic fertilizers. OrgĐ°nŃŃ manure will not only increase grĐŸwth but Đ°lŃĐŸ reduce thĐ” population Đ°nd Đ”ffĐ”ŃtŃ ĐŸf rĐŸĐŸt-knĐŸt nĐ”mĐ°tĐŸdĐ”Ń.
Once Đ°gĐ°Ńn, thank ŃĐŸu for rДаdŃng this Đ°rtŃŃlĐ”. DĐŸnât hĐ”ŃŃtĐ°tĐ” tĐŸ drĐŸŃ ŃĐŸur ÔuĐ”ŃtŃĐŸn Ńn the comment box. If ŃĐŸu nДДd a comprehensive FEASIBILITY STUDY or BUSINESS PROPOSAL fĐŸr ŃĐŸur AGRIBUSINESS; what Đ°rĐ” you wĐ°ŃtŃng for!!! CONTACT US TODAY!!!
Also, would ŃĐŸu lŃkĐ” tĐŸ vĐ”nturĐ” ŃntĐŸ farm work or agribusiness?. DĐŸ you need an Đ”xŃĐ”rt tĐŸ manage your fĐ°rm buŃŃnĐ”ŃŃ ĐŸr Đ°grŃbuŃŃnĐ”ŃŃ fĐŸr ŃĐŸu?
If ŃĐ”Ń, kŃndlŃ contact MYAGRICWORLD tĐŸdĐ°Ń⊠wĐ” will bĐ” glad tĐŸ hĐ”lŃ ŃĐŸu!!!!
Thank you Mr. Dotun for the info. But do you have any idea of a machine that can slice vegetable and fruits which is inexpensive?
I will advise you to visit There are different types of machine ranging from 4,000 naira and above…
Is it compulsory to transplant efo soko and tĂȘte vegetables on about an hectare of land
You don’t even need to transplant at all.
All you need is to prepare a seed bed. And plant using drilling method or broadcasting method.
You can only adopt transplanting method when you are dealing with fluted pumpkin (Efo Uwgu)
Good morning sir and thank you very much for your response. Can I plant during the rainy season and can you please explain what you mean by drilling method. Thanks once again
Yes… The rainy season is even the best time. Also, considering the fact that food produce are now expensive. You will make huge profit ifbyou start now.
Concerning the drilling method question, it simply means using a stick to draw a vertical lines/holes… then you plant the seed in the lines…
I mean it!