The dynamics of agriculture drive investors to embrace it. But the problem they faced is the lack of trained farm managers. This has led to closure of many big farms, especially those run by investors without agricultural background. Although, the reason for my own success in this field is because I’m well trained and has experience.
The greatest challenge most farms are currently facing is inexperienced farm managers. There is so much to learn to avoid missteps that are inevitable as a beginner, although failures do provide an opportunity for learning.
The problem of inexperience and lack of training often makes investor feel cassava farming and processing are not profitable. Despite the huge interest/profit in farming, farms opened with most modern design and equipment in the last 10 years have gone through crises; this is because they are managed by ill trained and inexperienced farm managers.
However, in order to address this issue, farm managers must be trained, organization/farms owners must ensure that their farm managers are well trained. Farm owners must partner with research institute, or agro allied organization, to train their farm managers.
Most investors have good intention, but lack farming experience. Many failed farms were started by highly educated people, who had built castles in the air. Many owners depended on others to take care of their farms who themselves did not have much knowledge.
However, farming requires extensive knowledge and patience. But when one is inexperienced, I strongly suggest that it is good to start small.
Farm managers must be aware of the costs and returns of farm enterprises at farm-levels and along the marketing chain and of ways to reduce these costs.
Agricultural industry needs farm management specialists who can gather information and develop a true picture of the farm business and its problems and opportunities. With the understanding of this situation, farm manager will be able to give practical and relevant recommendations.
Our organization (MyAgricWorld) is always ready to provide guidance on the development of farm management skills in agricultural development. However, the belief that young people do not want to go into agriculture is not true. All the youth need is more support in getting to where they need to be.